Round the World in 160 days

19/09/06 London to Singapore 17/10/06 Singapore to Sydney 04/01/07 Sydney to Christchurch 30/01/07 Auckland to Los Angeles 21/02/07 Los Angeles to New York 26/02/07 New York to London

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Wiec jestesmy w Tasmanii! Zawsze chcialam sie tu znalezc i w koncu zobaczyc tego ogromnego, strasznego diabla tasmanskiego...

Wyladowalismy w Hobart, stolicy majacej przypominac Sydney, na szczescie miasto okazalo sie o wiele spokojniejsze i bardziej zrelaksowane. Pierwsza noc spedzilismy w dziwnie cuchnacej hostelii, wynajelismy super stary ale za to tani samochod na okres naszego 8-dniowego pobytu i oczywiscie znaleslismy o wiele przyjemniejsze miejsce, w ktorym spedzilismy swieta.

W miedzy czasie, nie tracac czasu, ruszylismy na Polnoc do tajemniczego, nawiedzonego duchami
Port Arthur, gdzie wybralismy sie na nocna wyprawe po opuszczonym wiezieniu dla skazancow z Wysp Brytyjskich, okolicznych nawiedzonych, niezamieszkalych domach, (przynajmniej przez nikogo zywego, jak zapewnial nas nasz nocny przewodnik). Ta cala wyprawa z pochodniami w rekach okazala sie niezla zabawa, nie widzielismy zadnych duchow, ale atmosfera byla i tak nieprzyjemna, ze wzgledu na wydarzenia sprzed kilkoma laty, kiedy to na jedna z takich wypraw wtargnal jakis szalony i zastrzelil okolo 30 ludzi.

Nastepnego dnia wrocilismy do Hobart. Aby wprawic sie w bardziej wesoly i swiateczny nastroj, zarezerwowalismy stolik w pobliskiej restauracjii na wigilijny wieczor i wybralismy sie na pasterke. 25 grudnia nie musielismy nic wiekszego planowac - lalo jak z cebra caly dzien i do tego wysiadl prad. Wiec pijac wino, grajac w karty i objadajac sie zarciem z grilla, zorganizowanym dla wszystkich w hostelii, spedzilismy te magiczne swieta. Pozniej tylko wywolalam maly alarm pozarowy, kiedy to uparcie staralam sie czytac przy swieczce... poza tym swieta byly spokojne;)

W koncy ruszylismy na nasza wyprawe po Tasmanii. Pierwszy cel: Wineglass Bay. Po drodze zaliczylismy pare fajnych miejsc, nocowalismy dziko w jedym z wielu narodowych parkow (trzeba bylo kupic karte aby moc wjechac do jakiegokolwiek z nich, ale wystarczyla nam ona do konca naszego pobytu) i odwiedzilismy park dla dzikich zwierzat (w koncu widzialam tego ogromnego diabla...i wiele innych slodkich australijskich zwierzatek:)

Po wspinaczce na wzgorze, aby jedynie moc zobaczyc ta piekna dzika zatoke i rozkoszowac sie przepieknym widokiem, postanowilismy powspinac sie na powazniejsza gore, Cradle Mt. Wedrowka byla na prawde warta wysilku, nawet mimo tego, iz nie mielismy pozadnych buto na ta wysoka gore ( ok 2400m...)moj bohater dotarl na sam szczyt, ja jedynie wspielam sie na skaly, poprzedzajace szczyt.
Niewiarygodne jak otoczenie i roslinnosc zmieniala sie wraz z wysokoscia, na dole trawa i male drzewa palmowe, wyzej wodospady i dziki busz a na samym szczycie same skaly i duzo slonca:)Nacykalismy mnostwo niezlych zdjec.

W drodze powrotnej do Hobart, zwiedzilismy kolejne parki narodowe, niezliczona ilosc starych budowli i pieknych mostow oraz nawet dom kultury polskiej.

Tasmania to piekne miejsce, pelne dzikiej natury, roslinnosci, gor, jezior oraz niezliczonej ilosci zabitych przez szalonych kierowcow zwierzatek, lezacych na pobocznych drogach:(

Australia pt. 6 - More Western Australia

After a loop of the south east of the state we drove straight back upto Perth through a huge storm of locusts then spent the night camping on a back street in the port suburb of Fremantle being kept awake by saturday night pub goers and train workmen until at 3am deciding enough was enough and driving to the beach.

around the town and had a look in one of the free naval history museums before leaving the big city and beginning theThe following morning, we had a walk 820km trek north to shark bay world heritage area for breakfast where the dolphins visit the beach each morning. We managed to get as far north as the Frenancit National Park on that afternoon just in time to see the sun go down on the eerie stone formations in the Pinacles desert. Quite a sight.

It was then a matter of spending the next couple of days g remaining 600km of driving through outback whilst setting through thetopping at some fantastic beaches, vast white sand dunes and a couple of small towns before spending one of the hottest, sweatiest nights ever, camped up at the "Overlander Roadhouse". With the hot 40 degree air full of red dust and no cold water it was pretty miserable. It was either swelter inside the van or open the windows and get bitten to death by mosquitoes. Add to that, the flies in their thousands that just would not leave us alone and the thunder of roadtrains trucking past through the night, no, it wasn't particularly pleasant.

However, the following day, we got out to the shark we spent the next few days on the beach feeding dolphins and generally lazing about. I also had a memorable evening out running in the bush and nearly stepping on a huge red kangaroo which was snoozing under a bush. It jumped upbay peninsula where starring me in the face and scarred the cr@p out of me before legging it off into the distance.

After the long drive back to Perth, which we managed to do in record time, it was then a couple of days of exploring the city, heading down to the beaches and illegally camping in various parts of town.

We also managed to watch one of englands not so good days in the Ashes series against australia at the WACA whilst getting sunburnt.

From here, we dropped off the van then headed off to the airport for adelaide.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Australia pt. 5 Western Australia

After a 5 hour flight across the entire width of australia we arrived in Perth at 2am sunday night / monday morning. Since we were picking up a campervan in the centre of town 8 hours later, we decided to setup camp in the airport departure lounge much to the amusement of hundreds of passengers arriving to take flights the following morning. It was actually pretty comfy apart from the woman screaming over the information PA and we got more sleep that night than we ever had in the tent.

Unfortunately however, Kasia's previously sore ear had turned into extreme pain during the flight which meant an early morning trip to the doctor to be prescribed pain killers and antibiotics. That wasn't the end of things however as the pain got worse still the next night and we had two more visits to hospital and 2 more prescribed antibiotic types which didn't work either. She's currently been using some industrial stength ear drops which seem to have done the trick, thank god. She's been very brave, the poor thing and hopefully we've seen the last of the infection.

Back to Perth, we picked up our "Wicked camper" after a bus ride into town. Although these vans are cheap cheap, each one is painted differently with some quite offensive wording. as such, we were just a little apprehensive about which one we'd end up with. As it turned out, the girl working in the office was called Sam Peet and did the helpful cousinly deed of swapping our alloted 10 year old "Harry Potter" van with a brand spanking new (50km on the clock) "Arctic Monkeys" van complete with added air-con, power steering and upgraded 2.4 engine. Although not the most discrete of vans (whilst parked in a campsite the first night, a car full of girls pulled alongside for a few mins with the Arctic Monkeys album blarring out, waiting to see who was inside. :D ) it's done us proud so far and is far far comfier than a tent.

We've travelled down the south-west corner of the state from Perth taking in the towns of Rockingham (where there are more Brits than most towns in england), Mandurah (long wait in the hospital), Bunbury (where dolphins visit the beach everyday... except the day we were there) and onto the sea-side town (yes, another) of Busselton where we stayed for 3 days during Ironman Western Australia to help out and spectate.

Having done quite a few triathlon races, it was good to see one from the other side of the fence. It also made me appreciate how long my family, Kasia and of course Chris ;) have to wait around, sometimes in the cold and wet.

The race started at 6am on the beach, with the 3.8km swim taking place up one side of the huge wooden jetty then back to the other side. This was great as it meant you could walk alongside the swimmers the entire length. The water was crystal clear and calm and with the helicopter swooping back and forth above the 850 racers, it was quite a spectacle.
We volunteered to help out with the bike catching which means that we took competitors bikes off them and racked them after they'd completed the 180km bike ride and were about to start the marathon. This was great fun for the first hour or so as the pro's and fasted age groupers came through but did drag on a bit late into the afternoon as the heat came down and the slowest riders of all shapes and sizes staggered through with pain on their faces for the next 6 hours. Oh, we also got free t-shirts and a dodgy sandwich for lunch. Nothing like the huge buffet I saw the volunteers get in Austria :(

Once all the festivities were over we trucked down to Dunsborough in the hope of doing some Whale watching. However, we'd missed the season by a week which was a bit annoying. We did get over this dissappointment however by our visit to the Margaret River where we spent two days feasting on freebie taster samples of cheese, chocolate, coffee, olives and wine at the many vinyards and farms about the place. Kasia particularly enjoyed the wine tasting, taking great pleasure sampling the entire list of white wines, red wines and desert wines before leaving with a spring in her step and a big smile on her face and longing to visit the next vinyard. I however was driving, so it was trip to the beach instead to try out my new wetsuit in the ocean. :)

Next on the list were the towns of Pemberton and Walpole where we climbed some huge 65m high trees and viewed the "Land of the Giants" forest from a 45m high walkway which had a tendancy to swing somewhat in the wind to everyones delight..

We're now in Albany which looks like our last stop before heading back north and seeing some of the West Coast before we fly over to Adelaide. I'm off diving on a whaling shipwreck tomorrow and possibly with some sealions which should be great.. Hopefully the weather will improve :/

Hope everyone at home is well and you're getting into the christmas spirit. Santa just came past outside on the back of an antique fire engine!

Northern Queensland-wersja polska:)

Stwierdzilam, ze musze sie z wami podzielic moimi emocjami z tej czesci naszej podrozy, kiedy to o maly wlos...

Wiec jak juz James wspomnial. wyladowalismy w Townsville, miescie dla sportowcow, zapalonych biegaczy i wspinaczy gorskich( czyli raj dla Jamesa;)) Po wieczornym "spacerze" na szczyt miejscowej gory, stwierdzilismy ze potrzebujemy troche poleniuchowac i polezec na plazy. Magnetic Island, wspaniala, magnetyczna wyspa, gdzie mozna popluskac sie w przejzystej wodzie, zaliczyc wedrowki do raju misi koali i pooddychac wspanialym powietrzem...jasne pierwszego dnia moze. Pozniej Jamesowi zachcialo sie action, wiec zaliczylismy kajaki i pocenie sie na rowerach gorskich po 14% stromych szlakach. Mowie wam, bylo super ;)

Nastepnym wynajetym samochodem zawitalismy w Mission Beach, skad wybralismy sie na rafting po gorskiej rzece Tully. To bylo przezycie, kiedy siedzisz w pontonie z 6 facetami i dzielnie starasz sie nie okazac strachu, a tu nurt pcha cie w dol, miedzy kamieniami, ty nadal musisz wioslowac mimo, ze chetnie siedzialoby sie w nim i trzymalo za liny, modlac o chwile spokoju. Ku zaskoczeniu zaczelo mi sie to podobac, az do tego stopnia, ze kiedy przyszla pora na rzucenie sie w nurt w kamizelce ratunkowej...dobrze,ze zlapalam ostatnio line ratunkowa, jaka rzucono w moim kierunku.

W drodze do nastepnego miasta Cairns, wstapilismy do farmy krokodylii. James owinal sie wezami a ja trzymalam malego fajnego krokodylka. Zgodnie stwierdzilismy, ze nam sie bardzo podobalo i jak szybciej zmienilismy otoczenie, ladujac w raju dla motylii.

Ostatnie dni w Queensland spedzilismy w Cairns na leniuchowaniu przy basenie i wloczeniu sie po miescie. Wkoncu bylismy w kinie na filmie pt.: "Borat", polecam serio, dawno sie tak nie ubawilam , a szczegolnie, ze niektore wstawki sa po...polski:) .

A pozniej 5-godzinny lot do Perth, WA, gdzie jestesmy od paru dni.

Australia pt. 4 Upto Cairns

Well we got to see our Cassowary in the end, though in a nature park rather than the wild. And after seeing the way the 2m tall bird laid into the keeper with it's big claws, it was probably best we hadn't seen one close up in the bush! At the crocodile farm in Innisfail we also saw some huge crocodiles from the safety of a wire fence and had the pleasure to watch the local croc-hunter dive into a pond bare handed and come out with a big grin on his face and an aligator in his arms. Quite an amusing sight :).

In addition I also had the pleasure of again having snakes tossed on my head and was delighted when the old git of farmer stuck one of the things down the front of my t-shirt. When Kasia's turn came she unfortunately did a vanishing act.

We spent the next few days venturing around the scenic Atherton Tablelands looking at yet more Waterfalls and bush as well as Tea plantations and a butterfly farm before heading north of Cairns to the coastal town of Port Douglas for a night then back to Cairns for a couple of days lazing around the pool.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Australia pt. 3 - Northern Queensland

After dropping the hire car off we took a bus trip 4 hours north to Townsville. We spent a couple of days here lazing about in the sun and walking up the 290m Castle Hill before spending 3 days on Magnetic Island, cycling, koala spotting, bush walking and kayaking. Kasia will be fit enough for an ironman by the time this trip is over :D

We then collected another hire car and have been in Mission Beach, just south of Cairns for the last couple of days.

Yesterday we went white water rafting on the Tully River which was fantastic though a bit hairy in places. The river is fed from a hydroelectric plants dam high above the Tully Gorge and with all the rain they've been having recently, the flood gates have been opened. This meant that there was plenty of water, plenty of boats going upside down and plenty of soakings. :) The most suprising part was how much Kasia enjoyed it. I was expecting a kicking at the end for talking her into it!

Today has been spent bushwalking in rainforest (yet again), looking for the elusive Cassowary (a 2m tall flightless bird capable of killing a man with its massive claws if it's pissed off enough). Unfortunately the nearest we got was a pile of fresh Cassowary poo and the glimpse of a crocadile tail as it scuttled off into the bushes. I'm sure we'll have more joy at the wildlife park we're going to tomorrow. :)

We're off to Cairns this weekend, hopefully for another visit to the Great Barrier Reef, before flying 6hrs over to Perth in Western Australia. The rain season has begun up here so it should be a but less wet down there. We've also planned the rest of our stay in Australia... After 3 weeks in a campervan around WA we fly over to Adelaide, drive the Great Ocean Road to Melbourne, then pop over to Tasmania where we'll be over xmas. It's then a matter of a few days back in Sydney for New Years Eve before we head over to New Zealand at the beginning of January. Should be a good trip :)

Hope everyone of you are doing well and the european winter isn't too harsh yet ;)

All the best.