Round the World in 160 days

19/09/06 London to Singapore 17/10/06 Singapore to Sydney 04/01/07 Sydney to Christchurch 30/01/07 Auckland to Los Angeles 21/02/07 Los Angeles to New York 26/02/07 New York to London

Friday, December 08, 2006

Australia pt. 4 Upto Cairns

Well we got to see our Cassowary in the end, though in a nature park rather than the wild. And after seeing the way the 2m tall bird laid into the keeper with it's big claws, it was probably best we hadn't seen one close up in the bush! At the crocodile farm in Innisfail we also saw some huge crocodiles from the safety of a wire fence and had the pleasure to watch the local croc-hunter dive into a pond bare handed and come out with a big grin on his face and an aligator in his arms. Quite an amusing sight :).

In addition I also had the pleasure of again having snakes tossed on my head and was delighted when the old git of farmer stuck one of the things down the front of my t-shirt. When Kasia's turn came she unfortunately did a vanishing act.

We spent the next few days venturing around the scenic Atherton Tablelands looking at yet more Waterfalls and bush as well as Tea plantations and a butterfly farm before heading north of Cairns to the coastal town of Port Douglas for a night then back to Cairns for a couple of days lazing around the pool.


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